How can Americans overcome record government spending and debt, escalating healthcare costs, intrusive federal surveillance, endless wars, ongoing economic malaise, high unemployment, failing schools, and increasing abuses of civil and economic liberties? In this superb, new video from the recent, sold-out event sponsored by The Independent Institute and The Smith Center for Private Enterprise Studies (CSU-East Bay), former, twelve-term Congressman and Presidential candidate, Dr. Ron Paul, takes a candid look at America’s increasingly dysfunctional political system. Drawing on his 24 years in Congress, he highlights the need to rein in unchecked government power.
The author of numerous #1 New York Times bestselling books, Dr. Paul is a leading advocate for individual liberty, privacy, limited constitutional government, low taxes and spending, free markets, restrained foreign policy, and sound money. The New York Post has called him a man who “cannot be bought by special interests. There are few people in public life who, through thick and thin, rain or shine, stick to their principles.” And, Judge Andrew Napolitano calls him “The Thomas Jefferson of our day.”
“I strongly support Ron Paul, we very badly need to have more . . . who understand in a principled way the importance of property rights and religious freedom.”
—Milton Friedman, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economic Sciences“Paul has a coherent political worldview and states his positions clearly and unapologetically, without hedges. . . . the ability of Paul . . . to compel a desperately needed debate . . . economic, moral, security, liberty—makes his success worth applauding.”
—Glenn Greenwald, author and former columnist, and The Guardian“Ron Paul is the Thomas Jefferson of our day.”
—Judge Andrew Napolitano, Senior Judicial Analyst, Fox News Channel“He has the newest and the oldest campaign message there is: freedom matters.”
—Andrew M. Sullivan, author, blogger and former Editor, The New Republic“What the founders knew is that you can get any decent person in there, you give them unchecked power, and they become a monster. . . . Ron Paul has always talked about these issues, and . . . I have a lot of respect for what he’s saying.”
—Naomi Wolf, author, The Beauty Myth and Give Me Liberty“In Congress, Paul is known as Dr. No, for his staunch refusal to vote for any bill he thinks might expand government power. . . . This message has hit home.”
—New York Times“I think he’s the only guy who really understands monetary policy, economic policy, the proper role of the state, the proper role of the U.S. in the world. . . . if you asked me who is speaking truth to power, it’s Ron Paul.”
—David A. Stockman, former Director, Office of Management and Budget; author, The Triumph of Politics and The Great Deformation“[He] cannot be bought by special interests.”
—New York Post